Wow, what a year 2020 has been for disc golf and Cypress Point!
Even though the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) discouraged the play of disc golf for safety reasons, during 2020 we have seen unprecedented growth of the sport. Which is a good thing because disc golf is one of the safest activities one can do during a pandemic.
Professional disc golf has been viewed more than ever for. The disc golf Pro Tour formed it’s own disc golf channel that appears on Roku, Apple, and Google Play. The usual YouTube Outlets like Jomez Pro and Gatekeeper Media have greatly expanded their online following and number of views.
For the first time ever, broadcasts of professional disc golf has appeared on ESPN. It was such a success that the Pro Tour re-aired the tournament two additional times.In addition to the ESPN broadcast, the Dynamic Discs Open also appeared on cable television broadcast by CBS sports.
So many new faces have started and enjoyed playing disc golf for the first time. The pandemic has created the perfect storm for disc golf growth and manufacturers all over the world cannot keep up with the current disc golf demand. With that said, it is still a fun activity even if you can’t get the hottest new release from the biggest disc golf brands.
Disc golf is something that you can play with just a single disc. So do it, continue, go over our past articles for tips of equipment to buy and how to get better.
What to look forward in 2021?
In 2021 we plan to continue to provide you with great new disc golf content. In addition to tips and ideas to help you improve your game, we plan to test more great disc golf products and hope to incorporate more individual product reviews.
As times and availability change, we also plan to update all of our old “best discs” and “best equipment” articles for 2021 to be sure to save you money and give you the most up to date information on the best disc golf products available. Having a full time job outside of this blog, we cannot do this all at once, but plan to have a post update every other week. Look for these posts to be updated and re-published every Thursday or Friday.
We’ve also tossed up the idea of turning this website into an actual e-commerce site rather than just an affiliate site. That of course will take a lot of money investing in inventory and such and so if it will actually happen will remain as a mystery at this point.
All of this could not happen without your support. Thank you for subscribing to us and following us on social media. If you haven’t already, please follow Cypress Point Disc Golf reviews on all of your favorite social media sources.
From all of us at Cypress Point, thanks for making 2020 great!