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Best Online Disc Golf Stores

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If you’re like most disc golfers in the United States, or any other place besides Finland, there is not likely a dedicated disc golf shop near your home.

Local sporting good stores regularly carry a selection of discs, but this selection is usually limited, overpriced, and from only one brand of disc golf manufacturers. Serious disc golfers like to try new discs. They want to experiment with different plastics and improve their game by finding the best discs for them.

While being able to feel discs at a local disc golf shop and get advice from a specialists is the ideal situation, what can the rest of us do?

Cypress Point Disc Golf is full of reviews and ratings of the best disc golf equipment on the market, but where is the best place to get that equipment?

In this guide we will compare and discuss the top online disc golf retailers in the business.

Top 10 Disc Golf Retailers

In full disclosure, Cypress Point receives affiliate commissions from both and Infinite Discs. We try not to let our potential income from these websites bias our review, but if the options you are looking for are also available at one of our partners, we’d appreciate if you purchased from those websites by clicking through the links here:).

To determine the best online disc golf stores we will use the following criteria: Selection, Information, Brands Carried, Price, Shipping Speed, Customer Service.

Online Disc Golf Shopping Comparison Table

Store Name Selection Rank Price Rank Shipping Speed Flight Ratings Pictures of Every Discs Reviews
Infinite Discs 1 5 2 Yes – Flight Path Yes Yes – Best Review Site
Marshall Street 3 2 4 Yes – Flight Path Yes Rarely
OTB 4 9 5 Yes – No Graph Yes Yes, but limited details
1010 Discs 5 4 3 No Yes Rarely
Discs Unlimited 2 7 5 Yes No Rarely
Gotta Go Gotta Throw 6 2 7 Yes – No Graph No No
Amazon 9 10 1 No No Yes
Discount Disc Golf 10 1 6 No No Yes
Disc Golf Center 6 6 10 Yes – Best No No
DiscNation 8 8 9 Yes – No Graph No Rarely

Infinite Discs

1. Infinite Discs

After compiling our information, hands down, the best online disc golf store is Infinite Discs. They have the largest selection of discs, carry the most disc golf brands, and have the most detailed product reviews. Infinite discs stocks almost twice as many disc golf brands as anyone else. In addition, they are still good at everything else determined in our best online retailer formula.

Unlike all the other online disc golf stores, the Infinite Discs website was custom built and designed specifically for disc golf. Sorting discs by plastics within disc molds and manufacturers is seamless and it is much easier to navigate than the competitor websites.

The Infinite Discs website has some amazing features including an advanced search feature where you can narrow down your results by flight ratings, stamp type, weight, disc dimensions, skill level, customer reviews, price, plastic type and more. They also feature a rewards program where you not only earn 5% rewards points for all of your purchases, but can also earn free product by submitting reviews for both disc golf products and disc golf courses.

Infinite Discs has fast shipping, excellent customer service, and is among the lowest price disc golf retailers out there. Their website always has a selection of on sale disc golf products as well us bulk products that can be purchased at bargain prices.

If you like good looking discs, Infinite has the largest selection of unique designs and custom artwork. They have hot stamping machines in house and list hundreds of unique and creative designs including some with triple foils. Being that you can see the actual disc you will be purchasing, Infinite Discs is the best website for finding fun and unique discs to throw at your favorite course.

I have had numerous experiences with Infinite Discs and can testify that their customer service is outstanding. If they ever make an order with your error they promptly contact you and rectify the problem. Their shipping is ultra fast and usually goes out the same day the order is placed.

It’s easy to see why Infinite is the #1 retailer in disc golf.


  • Most Selection
  • Photos of Individual Discs
  • Hundreds of unique stamps to choose
  • Detailed Reviews on nearly every product
  • 55+ Brands to Choose From
  • Website Designed specifically for Disc Golf
  • Low Prices
  • Fast Shipping
  • Excellent Customer Service
  • Rewards Program


  • Website can be slow, especially when new releases have dropped

Marshall Street Disc Golf

2. Marshall Street

Marshall Street offers a good selection of discs, ranking third by our metrics. They carry 24 different disc golf brands and seem to provide most all of the available disc molds. Marshall Street has excellent prices, ranking second and they do offer pictures of every disc.

One unique thing about the individual Marshall Street pictures is that they also include a picture of the scale used to weigh them so that you know exactly the weight of the actual disc you will be buying. The disadvantage is that the picture quality of the scaled weight is not quite as good as pictures taken directly in a photo light box.

The design of the Marshall street website looks like it was done in the 1990’s. Navigating the website is adequate if you know what you’re looking for and can use the search bar, but it’s hard to find all the discs by a specific manufacturer or different plastic types of the same disc.

The Marshall Street website includes flight ratings for each disc as well as a flight graph that is helpful when you don’t understand what the flight numbers mean. They also have a flight guide that is nice for comparing similar discs of the same speed and stability rating. Once again, this flight guide looks like it was made in 1999, but the information provided is very useful.

Marshall Street is located in Massachusetts. Their shipping is pretty fast if you are located in the Eastern United States. If you’re in the Western US, and if you order a larger package it might take a few extra days to arrive.


  • Low Prices
  • Good selection
  • Pictures of Every Disc


  • Website looks like it was made in the 1990’s.
  • Website descriptions are vague and virtually no disc reviews.

OTB Discs Logo

3. OTB

OTB stands for “Only the Best.” They initially started out carrying only the discs that they thought were “the best.”  Now it seems like they carry just about anything they can get. OTB actually ranks #4 in our guide for disc selection. They stock 23 different brands and most molds within those brands.

The OTB website is made from the wordpress blogging platform, but they have done an amazing job to adapt it as a disc golf e-commerce site. OTB features quality pictures of every disc that is for sale and the search features are adequate.

The main thing that sets OTB apart from the competition is that they rate the stiffness level and dome of each disc they add on the website. Even though discs are created using the exact same mold, they sometimes have different dominess. This may be result of variations in the plastic blend, different cooling, or a number of any other factors. The fact is that discs of different dominess fly differently, and some players have preference of if they like more domey or more flat discs more.

OTB has a good number of reviews for the products they sell, but most of them are very vague and limited with basic info like “great disc” rather than the detailed product breakdowns found at Infinite Discs.

OTB is a little pricier than most of the top 10, but for many disc golfers it’s worth paying the added price to know the dome and stiffness of the online product you’re purchasing.


  • Pictures of Every Disc
  • Rate stiffness and dome
  • Good selection


  • More Expensive
  • Doesn’t have flight ratings

The image shows the logo for  1010Discs,  which features bold, stylized text within a rectangular outline.

4. 1010 Discs

1010 Discs meets the sweet spot of inexpensive but still good selection. They carry 22 different disc golf brands and a healthy selection of each mold at the time of this article. Not only is 1010 one of the least expensive online disc golf retailers, ranking fourth in our price metric, but they also provide pictures of every individual disc.

The 1010 website is pretty basic. It does a lot of things well but is the best at nothing. It has nice pictures but is limited in the search and sort features. One of the nice things about the 1010 website platform is that it does sort discs by mold, meaning that you can quickly browse through all the discs of varying plastic types on the same page. The 1010 website does not display disc flight graphs and has only the most limited product reviews.

1010 discs is located in Mississippi and is a great choice for fast inexpensive shipping if you are located in the South.


  • Pictures of Every Disc
  • Good Selection
  • Low Prices


  • No Flight Paths
  • Minimal Product Information

Discs unlimited logo

5. Discs Unlimited

Discs Unlimited is a lesser known disc golf retailer with a pretty healthy selection of discs. In non Covid times, they used to also sell discs wholesale to small retailers. That option is currently unavailable with the current disc supply shortages across the industry. The fact that they offered disc sales to retailers demonstrates the impressive stock of inventory that they have available. They not only have lots of stock of each mold and brand they carry, but rank second in number of brands offered at 25.

The Discs Unlimited website is the first on our list to make the top 10 without having pictures of the specific disc you are buying. Discs unlimited doesn’t seem to keep a live inventory, but instead seem to fill orders based on the closest possible choice. Rather than choosing exactly what you are looking for, you enter your desired weight and color preferences in input boxes.

Because this is not a live inventory, when ordering, you also select what your preference is if they do not have  your requested disc in stock. The choices are to choose from a different color or cancel the order and get refunded.

If you’re not worried about exact weights or colors, then Discs Unlimited is a very good website to buy from. Discs Unlimited is conveniently located in the middle of the country in Kansas and so ground shipping is never more than a few days away.


  • Good selection
  • Fast shipping


  • No pictures of every disc
  • Can’t choose from specific weights
  • Limited reviews

Gotta Go Gotta Throw Disc Golf Store logo

6. Gotta Go Gotta Throw

Gotta Go Gotta Throw was one of the first websites I ever purchased disc golf discs from years ago. At the time they included a scorecard and pencil with every order. I’m not sure if that is still a practice of their business, but it was a nice touch.

The Gotta Go website works after a similar model as Discs Unlimited. They don’t provide individual disc pictures. When you make an order you select your preferences, and then they do the best they can to fulfill the order according to your preferences.

Gotta Go has excellent prices and a fairly good selection. They carry 19 different brands and rank #2 for prices.


  • Good prices


  • Limited brands available
  • Not exact inventory

The image shows the logo of, featuring a black text and an orange arrow underneath pointing from the letter 'a' to 'z'.

7. Amazon

Check Price on Amazon
If you’re looking for individual or specific discs, Amazon is definitely not the best online store for frisbee shopping. Amazon does not have individual disc pictures, and often you can’t even select the color or weight of the disc you want. What Amazon is good for is disc golf sets and disc golf bags.

Most people that shop for disc golf discs by Amazon are new disc golfers. Because this is a market venue for different manufactures to reach potential new customers, they often price their starter sets on Amazon even cheaper than on their own individual websites. You’ll find that beginner sets and disc golf bags are far less expensive on Amazon than the online disc golf stores, especially when you factor in the cost of shipping.

The things that makes Amazon rank so highly on our list of best online disc retailers is of course the fast shipping. None of the other online disc golf shops can offer 2 day shipping anywhere in the country. And while the search features and information aren’t designed for disc golfers, Amazon does carry almost as many disc golf brands as does Infinite Discs. In addition to most of the well know disc golf manufacturers, they also sell absolutely junk plastic made by Chinese companies that know nothing about disc golf. Be careful when shopping on Amazon so that you only by disc golf equipment from well known and reputable brands.

Another thing to consider when choosing who to buy your disc golf equipment for is, what are they doing to grow the sport? Most disc golf specific stores are actively involved in course development, running tournaments and sponsoring players. Much of their profits go to growing the sport. Amazon on the other hand is simply interested in their corporate profits. If you, like most disc golfers, are trying to increase the number of courses and disc golf events, you may want to consider using disc golf focused retailers rather than Amazon or Big Box stores for this reason.

If you need disc golf equipment within 2 days, Amazon is the best shopping choice. Click the link below for the top Amazon disc golf products available today.

Top Disc Golf Products on Amazon


  • Fastest Shipping
  • Great for inexpensive starter sets
  • Low price disc golf bags


  • Selection struggles for individual discs
  • Often does not list discs weight or color
  • Prices more expensive than direct disc golf retailer websites
  • Amazon does not support the growth of disc golf

Discount Disc Golf Superstore Logo

8. Discount Disc Golf

Like its name implies, Discount Disc Golf is the best place to get disc golf equipment for cheap. If you are looking for low cost and don’t necessarily have a preference on brands or special stamps, shop at

Discount Disc Golfs focus is on inexpensive discs. The best way to save on disc golf is to purchase bulk sets, mystery boxes, misprints and x-outs which are the primary product sold at Discount Disc Golf.

If you’re looking for selection, unique stamps, and pictures of every disc this is not the online retailer for you.


  • Lowest Prices
  • Bulk Sets
  • Misprints
  • X-Outs


  • Limited selection, especially from major brands
  • No individual product pictures

Disc Golf Center Store Logo

9. Disc Golf Center

Disc Golf Center is located in Florida. They used to boast being the “World’s biggest disc golf store.” While there physical storefront may be the biggest in the world, they also offer a pretty decent online webite as well.

DGC carry’s most of the popular disc golf brands, but stay away from the smaller up and coming brands. In total they stock discs from 17 different disc golf manufacturers.

The Disc Golf Center website is the first on our top list to not include individual pictures of every disc, but they do have some other nice features. While you can’t see the exact disc you will be purchasing, you can select your disc mold weight and color on a convenient grid.

The website functionality has some nice features including what I consider the best flight chart in the business. While other companies like Infinite discs display a flight chart that shows the discs path if thrown by an advanced or professional player, the DGC flight path allows you to evaluate flight path based on skill level. The reality is that for newer players and those with slower arm speeds, most golf discs are overstable and will exhibit an overstable flight path.

DGC also includes a unique and different flight number for “difficulty” this flight number helps you understand what skill level  the disc is designed for. The website also has some other nice features for sorting different discs based on speed, glide, high speed stability, and low speed stability.

Disc Golf Center offers decent prices and inexpensive shipping with free shipping available at very low order volumes. One of the biggest complaints I hear about Disc Golf Center is their slow shipping, especially for disc golfers who don’t live in the South.


  • Best flight path graphs
  • Free shipping at only $12 order value


  • No exact inventory pictures
  • Slow shipping
  • Limited disc brands available

DiscNation Logo

10. Disc Nation

Disc Nation is one of the original online disc golf superstores and rounds up as our 10th best disc golf website. They offer a large selection of discs and carry 23 different disc golf brands. Their website does not contain reviews of discs, or flight numbers. The website also does not include pictures of the individual discs you will be purchasing and so the color of the disc you will receive may not be exactly what you have in mind when ordering.  Disc Nations prices are fair, but not among the lowest on the internet.

One of the nice things about Disc Nation is that it does list a live inventory, so even though you can’t select from pictures of a specific disc, you can know that when that yellow green 174g disc is listed, that is the disc you are going to receive.

Disc Nation is located in Austin, Texas and so it is an excellent shopping choice, especially for online shoppers who live in the Texas area.


  • Good Selection, 23 different brands


  • No individual disc pictures
  • Not the best prices


What are  your favorite online disc golf stores?

Is there a place online where you like to buy disc golf equipment that we didn’t list on our top 10? We’d love to hear your feedback of where you think the best places are to buy disc golf equipment online.

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